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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

community networks

The idea of community networks seems like a good idea. Developing a platform of this scope will not be easy but the invest could be worth while. The influx of new minds every four to five years could keep the idea fresh and relevant. This partnership could also help generate innovative ideas that could benefit the community. For example, local health care clinics may have access to able minds at a reasonable cost. University personal could help with virtual project management initiatives that could contribute to lower health care cost. These kind of initiatives would contribute to bringing local health care services into the 21st century

Sunday, February 1, 2009

the importance of k-12 websites

This past fall, students, parents, and staff members in the Clark County school district in Las Vegas were on high alert when a gunman was on the loose near some schools.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Obama's campaign

The Internet Presidency?
January 21, 2009 by Katie Ash

Based on the integral role technology played in President-elect Barack Obama's campaign, ed-tech experts suggest that the new administration could revolutionize the way technology is viewed in the United States, and, it is hoped, in education.